
Walgreens Coupon Policy

After speaking with a very friendly customer relations representative at Walgreens, here is what I've learned about
Walgreens Coupon Policy:
  • Walgreens will accept a Manufacturer coupon with a Walgreens Store coupon on each individual item.
  • If item(s) produce a Register Reward (coupon printed out of machine), that Register Reward cannot be used toward the purchase of the same item(s) and receive another Register Reward (no rolling them together).
  • You may not use more coupons than the amount of merchandise purchased and still receive a Register Reward.
This is Walgreen's Corporate Policy, however each store manager may choose to limit quantities of items purchased and coupons used. If you have a problem with your store's policy, please contact Walgreens at #1-800-925-4733.

There have been rumors going around online that a manufacturer coupon cannot be used with a Register Reward earning item. This is untrue according to Corporate. Please see the 3rd point above for the correct "rules" regarding this rumor.


Sarah @ Fiddledeedee said...

Thanks for the info! I am slowly coming over to the dark side (walgreens, that is) after your encouragement.

Question: if you're NOT doing a register rewards deal, can you still not have more coupons than items?

I'm looking forward to seeing your Publix deals!!!

Unknown said...

I've also had a talk with corporate in regards to some incorrect things that managers were trying to tell me. Here are two more corporate policies...
1. You CAN use more than one RR to pay for a transaction, provided it isn't stated otherwise on that RR.
2. You CAN use a RR to pay for a different RR producing deal.

FrugalcosIhave2 said...

Thank you Stephanie! I called them today as well and the manager of the local store was kind enough to send me the RR. She was apologetic, evidently the assistant manager I spoke to last night was in error.

Teresa & Julie-Andi said...

Yes and no. Some people have said that they are not able to. However, I have a system of coupon order that has worked every time for me. After all your items are rung up, you need to hand your coupons over in this order: 1) Register Rewards, 2) Walgreens Q's, 3) Manufacturer Q's. For some reason that registers seem to be okay with it. :)

Thanks for the added info!

I'm so glad that you got the issue straightened out.

Who is this CouponNerd? said...

Thanks for leaving me that comment about this area of your blog. i added the WAGs number to m cellphone. i haven't given up all hope but I am skeptical about what's gonna work for me in the future at the store.

i've tagged you girl....

Anonymous said...

I've just recently been refused at 2 different Walgreens for using more than one RR coupon in one transaction. The number of coupons did not exceed the number of items. I had not had a problem before using more than one RR in one transaction. I guess they've changed their policy and did not let any of their loyal consumers know. Now you would need to visit Walgreens more than once to use all of your RR coupons if they don't allow separate transactions. It's all a scam to get you to buy more and pay more. They should be ashamed.

Unknown said...

I had the same experience this week in Las Vegas. Two different Walgreens told me only one RR per transaction. Now, usually I have several items, but the first store I had one expensive item, and I could only do one coupon, but after reading the fine print, it did say no more coupons than items. So, OK. Then the next store I had many items and was still told only 1 per transaction, even though that is not what the register reward says. So I said fine, and broke my stuff into four transactions! I did let the woman behind me go--she had one item. Dang it, if the cashier was going to go to all the hassle of 4 different transactions, I figured he would just have to! My first transaction, where I could only use one RR, spit back 3 RR's! I will only be able to use them up if I do multiple transactions. Talk about not making any sense. I earned them legitimately. Very poor customer service. I am going to corporate and let them know. If the store has the authority to do this, it is not a good thing.


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