
Money Saving Tip! - In the Diaper Years...

Though I never attempted cloth diapers on my own children, I might have had I heard Sarah's perspective 7 years ago when my oldest was a baby...

Sarah, new to the coupon saving game (and loving every minute of it), is a wife to a wonderful husband and mama to one 11-month-old bundle of energy!

As if that isn't enough to keep her busy, she also works part-time as an attorney while her daughter gets to play and be spoiled by all of her in-town grandparents. Sarah has found lots of ways to save as a new mom, including cloth-diapering, making her own baby food as well as homemade cleaning supplies.

Read on to hear more about Sarah's money saving tips during the diaper years!

For all you parents out there with young children, you know that one of the most expensive parts of the baby years is diapering. All those disposable diapers and wipes sure do add up, even when you can find coupons! When I had my first child, I decided to go part-time at work in order to be at home with my daughter as much as possible. With the drop in our family income, we needed to find a lot of ways to save and we found one money-saving-solution in choosing cloth diapers for our daughter.

If you've never thought about cloth diapers for your little ones, I encourage you to check out all the options that are out there in the cloth diapering world. Believe me, I never thought I would consider using cloth, but now, I not only enjoy the cost savings, I love putting Caroline in those soft, cute & colorful diapers! The question I always get is about the laundry – it really isn't bad, y'all. I do a couple extra loads a week, and that's about it.

Now, here's the info on the savings. The average cost per child for using disposables is $2,000 to $3,000. Our family spent about $500 for thirty cloth diapers (enough for around three days) and cloth wipes, and we didn't even buy the cheapest diapers out there. We love the Fuzzi Bunz brand, which are adjustable and will fit her until she's potty-trained. Pocket diapers, like Fuzzi Bunz, are also just as easy to use as disposables... no diaper pins or covers to mess with (even our wonderful nursery workers at church are comfortable changing our daughter's cloth diapers). Best of all, not only are we saving a ton of money on our first child, we can reuse these diapers for any future babies we may have... think double, even triple the savings!

If your interest is tweaked, then check out www.diaperjungle.com for good and in-depth information. You'll be amazed at the ease and options available – have fun!


Kim said...

I TOTALLY agree with Sarah! As a part-time working, pregnant mom to a 10 month old... and soon to have a newborn again... we'd be in trouble if it weren't for cloth! I was against them till I learned more... 21st century cloth diapers are AMAZING! We use Bum Genius. LOVE THEM! Highly recommend them to other busy moms, too!

Dominique said...

I am a cloth diaperer and love them. i have four children and have saved tons. I love fuzzi bunz. I have a tip for saving even more if you are considering starting cloth daipering. I found a site called fuzzibunzseconds.com where you can get the ones they made a mistake on, for a cheaper price! I haven't noticed a difference in the quality!

Lenetta said...

I liked the fuzzi bunz but ended up with Happy Heineys because I prefer the applix (velcro) instead of snaps. I use microfiber cloths as inserts and LOVE them!

Unknown said...

do these options work for a 5 yr old who needs to wear a pull up at night? I'm tired of paying $$ for pull-ups and would love a green, money saving option.


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