As a homeschooling Mom of 3, just starting into my 2nd year, I wanted to start this new weekly Post for all of you homeschoolers out there and me! I will be posting homeschool tips, deals on curriculum, organization helps, schedule hints, etc. every Monday morning. If you have any helpful tips, please comment. If I get enough comments and people interested in this weekly post, I will start a Mister Linky so that you can post on your blog and link to mine.
This week I will just let you know what we're using for curriculum this year. I have a 1st grader, a preschooler, and a toddler. This is our curriculum of choice:
1st Grade Daughter
- Saxon Math 1
- Sonlight Core 1 (Read-Alouds, 2nd Grade Readers, & History/Geography)
- Apologia Science (Exploring Creation with Astronomy)
- Handwriting Without Tears (Cursive)
- Horizons Grammar/Phonics/Spelling
- Bible - Still figuring out what to use/do... suggestions are welcome!
- Hooked on Phonics (Kindergarten) Click on link at bottom right-hand side of my blog for 20% savings on HOP!!
- Saxon Math K
- Lots of Arts & Crafts
- Puzzles :)
- Hopefully he'll behave and stay out of trouble... haha
Please comment and tell me what you're using for curriculum, or your style of homeschooling, and the reason you like what you're using! My hope is that we can help each other and be an encouragement to one another.
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