Remember that coupon policies can vary by store and each Store Manager has the right to refuse a coupon.
- Publix accepts one Store coupon and one Manufacturer coupon per item. A store coupon is defined by one of the following: Publix store coupon OR Competitor store coupon.
- For BOGO Sales, you may use coupons on both the Buy One AND the Get One Free Item. Use the coupon policy stated in #1.
- $/$$ coupons are allowed one per transaction. These may come to you via mail or email from Publix or other competitors. $/$$ from competitors are also accepted.
- If a coupon states that you receive an item for FREE, you may not use additional coupons to discount the FREE item further. Publix does not allow overage with coupon use. This means that you may not make money back when using coupons.
- Lastly, each Publix store manager has the right to choose which stores are considered competitors, so be sure to check with your store manager to find out what coupons they will accept. It's worth a little time to find out so that you can save!
I know this is an older place, but the Publix near me will allow overages...
Anonymous ~ Although your particular store may allow it, it is a corporate policy that Publix does not allow overages.
I heard that Publix is going to stop accepting competitors coupons...I hope this isn't true! Also, the cashiers seem irrated with me when I use my competitors coupons.
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