
Coupon Preview

Be sure to check out the coupon preview for tomorrow's paper by clicking on either link below!

Keeping the Kingdom First

Taylortown Coupon Preview

Coupons can and will vary by area, so you may not receive all that are listed. Looks like we should all see a SmartSource and RedPlum though.

You probably get your Sunday paper one of these 3 ways:
  1. Delivered to your home
  2. Purchase at a Store
  3. Newspaper Vending Box - Is there a technical term for these? If so, I'm completely drawing a blank...
If you have to go out and purchase your newspaper (like me), remember to flip through the paper to make sure that you are receiving the coupon inserts. I have found (after purchasing) that sometimes the inserts are missing. I'm not sure why, but it's not a bad idea to just check before purchasing. Typically, if your paper is delivered to your home, you will receive the inserts. Just a little tip!


Amber said...

Yes, do check your paper. I buy at a local convenient store. Last week one of my papers was missing one of the inserts. :(

Ed said...

It's because people steal them. I've seen it happen numerous times at my local grocery store, people grab a paper, take out the coupons and put the paper back before shopping. It's a pretty shady thing to do.

But I've also had people, presumably less than nice neighbors, steal my paper from my mailbox.

So when I need a paper (for the classifieds mostly, coupons are just a bonus) I tend to buy them at the store and make sure everything is in it before purchasing.


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